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Privacy Policy


GOLDEN TOP UP is committed to protecting the data collected pertaining to our users. This policy details the collection, use, and protection of personal information we receive from site visitors. By entering our website you consent to our use of cookies as pertaining to the terms of this policy.

Your Instructions

You shall ensure that all instructions provided to Golden Top Up through the Website application are accurate, complete and true. In particular, the mobile phone number to which any Top-up is to be credited must be correctly identified. You shall ensure that the instructions which are relayed back for confirmation are correct, accurate and true. All confirmed instructions are final and binding upon you. Golden Top Up and/or its service providers shall bear no liability or consequences related to the provision of incorrect, inaccurate or false information by you. You are solely responsible for any consequences related to the failure to provide correct, accurate and true information or the failure to correct such inaccurate information prior to final confirmation.

Data Collection

GOLDEN TOP UP collects the minimum amount of personally identifiable information necessary to improve our site and the service we provide. Data we collect includes any or all of the information you provide while using our website, apps and/or services.

Use of Information

GOLDEN TOP UP may use the personal information collected through our site specifically for the purposes detailed in this policy. Personal information that we process for any reasons won’t be kept longer than is necessary for those purposes. We will take reasonable measures to prevent the loss or misuse of your personal information (e.g. encryption).

You acknowledge that you will lose the right to cancel the services once they have been fully performed by Golden Top Up . Accordingly, you will have no right to request a refund under the European Union (Consumer Information, Cancellation and Other Rights) Regulations 2013. 


Main Phone: +1-717-804-4653 
Whatsup number: 770-598-9685 (US Branch)
Whatsup number: 09-451-676-869 (Myanmar Branch)


Privacy Policy: About


Golden Top Up Team corporates with ATAC Myanmar LLC.

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